Celedonio spent his childhood surrounded by Flamenco. His grandfather, who was well known in a little town in the South East coast of Spain, Moguer, had been singing Fandangos since he was a teenager (1945). With different styles and always very close to the roots, his grandfather transmitted to him the love of the true Fandangos and taught him to recognize and appreciate the beautiful communication between the heart and the voice. Celedonio has a strong control of the structure of flamenco dance and continuously explores the relationship and the connection between music, rhythm and movement. His love for Flamenco music, song and dance nourishes his singing style with a unique sensitivity to the dancer and harmony with the dance moves. Celedonio ́s voice is a distinctive combination of soft woody timbre and powerful vocal projection. He has been performing in a number of countries and events.
2021. Vocal interpretation in award winning Flamenco dance film "Take My Hand" produced and directed by Flamenco Borealis. Independent shows in Berlin, Germany.
2019. "Dos Voces" show with Flamenco Borealis in Saskatoon & Calgary (Canada).
Shows in Calgary with guitarist Tosh Hayashi. Tablao shows in Seville, Spain.
2018. Self-produced shows in Seville.
2017. “Corazon Loco” at the Jazz Bassment. Shows in Calgary. Collaborated with Holly Blazina, flamenco guitarist from Calgary, on the recording of her album. Self-produced shows in Seville.
2016. Artistic co-direction of "Al Andalusi" where he also occupied the role of Flamenco vocalist. Various collaborations with Kari Alba, Ricardo Diaz, and Edo Alejandro Sie including shows in Saskatoon (the Basement), Portland and Vancouver Flamenco Festival. Collaboration with Guitarist Holly Blazina for the production of a guitar album. Collaboration with various Calgary flamenco dancers. Flamenco Borealis guest appearance at the Saskatoon Fashion Design Festival.
2015. Navidad Flamenca show with Flamenco Borealis. Saskatchewan Wearable Art Gala show. “Arte!!” production in Saskatoon with Ricardo Diaz and Miguel Innate, B Flamenco production with Alma Flamenca. Ness Creek Festival and a concert in the Alberta Music Museum in Calgary, are some of his work in 2015.
2014. “Flamenco Chill” show produced by Alma Flamenca with Ricardo Diaz and Jesus Muñoz, collaboration in Summer Festivals in Saskatoon like The Fireworks Festival and others. Concert in Jazz Basement in Saskatoon with Ricardo Diaz and Kari Alba. A collaboration with Holly Blazina, a Flamenco guitarist from Calgary.
2013. Concert in Art Gala Wareable Art in Saskatoon. Vancouver Flamenco Festival with Alma Flamenca.
2012. Bienal of Seville, Show “Cantaores en los balcones”, workshop and concert produced by Bienal of Seville.
1998-2011. Art performance around of city of Seville called “ACCIONES FLAMENCAS” for the company “flo6x8”.Concert with Badulake company and workshops in Cristina Heren and Peña Torres Macarena of Seville, Peña de Triana. Concert in Lebrija Palace (Seville) with Charo Amaya y Nando Company. In 2001 and 2003, concert in Saskatoon with Alma Flamenca and Zamna Urista. A perfomance in Ness Creek. Presentation in Sala Cero “Cantes de ida y vuelta “. Concert in OSLOU (Norway). Show in Rabat (Marocco) called “ Cantes morunos”.